Well Rounded Leaders

Mindful Leadership

Educating individuals to grow beyond their limits, Tony Davis uses his expertise training corporate America to build the next generation of influential leaders. From managers to CEOs, Davis explores how to grow as a leader in all aspects of life. Throughout the series, Davis will share secrets of self leadership, the importance of authenticity and bring a new perspective to the role of leader.

Behind the Mic

Tony Davis

As a former radio host, Davis found his calling behind the mic. Fusing two passions into one, Davis began Well Rounded Leaders as an addition to his leadership development company used by business owners throughout northeast Florida. As a result of his growing clientele, Davis has brought his expertise to a broader audience in a more personal, relaxed setting.

Being a Well-Rounded Leader transcends just motivating people in the workplace.  Well-Rounded Leaders have a commitment to excellence in all that they do, how they live their lives, their executive presence, and the impact they make in their space. 

-Tony Davis

About the Show

Well Rounded Leaders is a leadership podcast that discusses leadership from a perspective that transcends the traditional views of just leading people. True Well Rounded Leaders understand the importance of self leadership to authentically leading those in our world. And self leadership encompasses wellness in several life areas. On this podcast, we explore what it means to be a Well Rounded Leader!

Leading ourselves is about what we’re doing for our overall wellness.  It encompasses the steps we take to ensure our mental and emotional health and stay grounded spiritually. If we don’t lead ourselves, how can we authentically lead others?  As well-rounded leaders, we apply this mindset to their families, our companies, and the communities we are a part of.

Who should listen?

Whether you lead a Fortune 500 corporation or a team of little leaguers, we all have something to learn about becoming more effective leaders. 

The Pursuit of Overall Wellness

Physical, mental, intellectual, social, and spiritual wellness.

Leadership Skills

Inspirational vs. aspirational leaders.


Encouraging innovative thinking within your organization.

Emotional Intelligence

Managing your own emotions in positive ways.

Strategic Thinking & Decision Making

GOAL: Be Better. PERIOD.

Time Management

Inhabit the process of being the best.

Let's Talk

We love hearing from our listeners. For questions or inquiries about Well Rounded Leaders, feel free to contact us.

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