Well Rounded Leaders


Dave Yencarelli: Accountability Doesn't Have to be a 4-Letter Word


  • Dave’s leadership journey
  • Leaders are learner and mistakes are a big part of learning
  • What is “Compassionate Accountability”?
  • Micro management vs Accountability
  • Accountability starts with Self Accountability
  • Mission, Core values or Vision?
  • The importance of transparency
  • Showing Employees Their Impact
  • Investing in Training – ALL training
  • Showing your employees that they are assets
  • Leaders Learn, Manager Moan
  • American Electrical Academy to promote learning
  • Top 5 Vacation Destinations

American Electrical Academy:  https://electricalacademy.org

Dave’s LinkedIn Profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-yencarelli-pmp-a2675531/

Tony’s LinkedIn Profile

Tony’s Crestcom Leadership Profile

Well Rounded Leaders Website

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