Well Rounded Leaders


Dr Lauran Star: Inclusion First, then Diversity & Equity


  • Dr. Lauran Star’s journey becoming a subject matter expert in DE&I
  • The data supports focus on Inclusion! Before Diversity!
  • Diversity of thought is what we should  be after striving for in the workplace.
  • Diversity for the sake of diversity, could  result in the opposite of what is hoping to be achieved.
  • The negative impacts of promoting for diversity.
  • What’s the “E”  and where does it fit in?
  • Equity & Equality
  • School of thought that Meritocracy & Pay for Performance are antiquated and wrong.
  • Academia mindset and the business world.
  • Organizations are starting to get the importance of inclusion first.
  • Adaptive Leadership is more important than every.
  • Top 5 Broadway Shows

Lauran’s LinkedIn Profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauranstar/

Website:  www.drlauranstar.com

Tony’s LinkedIn Profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonydjax/

Well Rounded Leaders Podcast website

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