Well Rounded Leaders


John Beehner: Spiritually Grounded Leadership & Stories of Faith Based Business Leaders


  • John’s Background of Helping Others thru The Executive Committee (TEC, later Vistage)
  • God’s Plan for John’s first book, True Wealth By the Book
  • TEC Stories of Dan Cathy & Sam Walton
  • JC Penney’s Motivational Story
  • The Untold Secret that Creates True Wealth
  • #1 Challenge Facing Small- Mid Size Business Owners:  Loneliness
  • The Rock Solid Leadership Resource Guide
  • 3 Cornerstones from the First Book; 7 Cornerstones Revealed in Last Book
  • The Great Game of Business & the Story of Jack Stack
  • Businesses Built on Solid Foundations
  • John’s “Delightful” Story about Meeting his Wife


John’s LinkedIn Profile

Tony’s LinkedIn Profile



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