Well Rounded Leaders


[PREVIEW] of Well Rounded Leaders

Being a Well-Rounded Leader transcends just motivating people in the workplace.  Well-Rounded Leaders have a commitment to excellence in all that they do, how they live their lives, their executive presence, and the impact they make in their space. 

Hello everyone welcome to the Well Rounded Leaders podcast. I’m your host Tony Davis and we’re going to take you on a journey of becoming a well-rounded leader.

Well, Rounded leadership first starts with self-leadership. 

Leading ourselves is about what we’re doing for our overall wellness.  It encompasses the steps we take to ensure our mental and emotional health and stay grounded spiritually.   If we don’t lead ourselves, how can we authentically lead others?  As well-rounded leaders, we apply this mindset to their families, our companies, and the communities we are a part of.

So whether you lead a Fortune 500 corporation or a team of little leaguers, we all have something to learn about becoming more effective leaders.  the goal of the Well Rounded Leaders podcast is to keep the focus on making the main thing, THE MAIN THING.

Connect with Tony here:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonydjax/

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