Well Rounded Leaders


Steve Mellor: Competitiveness, Success & Your Leadership


  • Steve’s Background & Competitive Approach to Sports
  • Transition from Division 1 Athlete to Division 1 Coach
  • Leadership in an Individual Sport within a Team Framework
  • Motivating Athletes to Be Leaders Over Time
  • Achieving Full Potential
  • Who Has Had the Biggest Leadership Impact on Steve
  • Power of Words
  • The Freedom to Fail
  • The Career Competitor Podcast Launches Steve’s New Career
  • Coaching to the “Optimal Self”
  • The First and Final 30
  • Steve’s New Book, “Shock The World”
  • Top 5 Most Competitive Athletes

Steve’s LinkedIn Profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-mellor-88966056/

Steve’s Website:  https://www.careercompetitor.com

Pre-order Steve’s Book, Shock The World:  https://checkout.square.site/buy/FG43BJCYW67WAUDKISXKYRX

Tony’s LinkedIn Profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonydjax


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