Well Rounded Leaders


Tony Davis: Being a Well Rounded Leader


  • The Genesis of the Well Rounded Leadership Show:  Scratching that Radio Show itch
  • Entrepreneur History of the Host – Lessons Learned
  • The Importance of Leadership & Personal Growth in Today’s Hiring Climate
  • GOAL:  Be Better.  PERIOD.
  • Leaders are Curious – The Kobe Bryant Example
  • Inhabit the Process of Being the Best – Tom Brady Example
  • Tony’s Stated Intent for the Podcast
  • My Motivation to Be Better & Self Leadership.
  • Pursuit of Overall Wellness:  Physical, Mental/Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual, Social, Community & Professional
  • Curious Kills Cats but Lack of Curiosity Limits Leaders
  • Inspirational and Aspirational Leaders

Email:  tony@wellroundedleaders.com       LinkedIn:   www.linkedin.com/in/tonydjax/

Tony’s Crestcom Leadership Profile

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